About us

The University was formed from two previous establishments the OREASE center and the Center for Education and Cross-Cultural Studies...  The University develops, delivers and disseminates programs and projects from phonology and psychology, languages and literatures, education and heritage studies to philosophy and management.

The University is the only French speaking University of Delaware.


Five degrees of studies are proposed : Bachelor studies (Licence) in three years ; Master degree in two years ; Doctorate studies in three years ; and a PostDoctorate program in one year and a State Doctorate.


The certificate of formation of the University of Philology and Education was filed with the Secretary of State Delaware, Jeffrey W. Bullock, in witness whereof Harward Business center, authorized persone by Richard H. Bell, and Heather A. Manerchia, Notary Public.

File Number: 55855-47

Record ID : 242261


you may verify this certificate online at corp.delaware.gov/author.shtml